We are living in a world where the visual has been proven as better and even more authentic than the written word. Brochures no longer are enough to sell a product or service. For the most part, those printed material get recycled or just thrown out unread. With a compelling, short and to the point engaging video; however, it is watched, remembered and more importantly shared across social media platforms. That’s how small companies as well as mega-brands own mind-share. Video is a force to be reckoned with and if you don’t use it, you will lose business.
No matter what you’re selling, no matter what your company does, if you don’t have a video marketing strategy for the biggest video platforms, you are going to lose.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Entrepreneur & Marketing Expert
Now we know that a lot of companies in Bahrain are intimidated by video. They might not understand the medium completely and think that it’s just too expensive of a marketing activity that only the big boys can afford. This might have been true in the recent past, but thanks to new technologies and market forces, this is no longer the case. Corporate videos are produced now for less than the cost of printed brochures and social media videos are even much less than that. The added advantage of course, is that your investment in video is protected and lasts much longer than your brochures can.
So what kind of videos should you produce? The simple answer is engaging, authentic, informative and fun ones. Note the absence of the word “salesy”. From our experience, we find that you generally can’t engage people if you push sales at them, in fact, you most probably will turn them off. What will attract them, is if you provide them with valuable information that allows them to learn something new or help them do things in a better way. It’s these videos that you might want to consider to get people attracted to your brand and ultimately get them to remember you and your products when the time comes for them to make a purchase decision.
This is what we at Arabia Video have achieved for several of our clients. You might want to read our case study on how an Instagram video we produced got over 30,000 likes and generated new business to Alghareeb ENT centre, or the thousands of YouTube views of Seef Dental’s videos which amplified their name recognition in the community as well as search engine results both of which benefited their business.
What we learnt from those experiences is that the formula for success in this field is remembering that people no longer have the luxury of time to sit and watch lengthy content. They’re on the go and want to want stackable content to consume within their busy lifestyles on their mobile devices.
The kind of videos they’re looking for include entertaining clips, short videos showing them how to do things, clips that show your potential customers what you do rather than just tell them about it, you can even produce short videos to “ride” an event; how about producing a short Eid video postcard? These are the kinds of short videos a business need to produce if it wants to engage people and have a share of their busy mind spaces.
Of course those are not the only videos you can produce, we have many more ideas which we know will work and can even customise productions to be more relevant to your business and the platform you wish to share them through. All that is required, is to decide whether you wish to grow your business and reach. With that intention in place, we’ll work with you to create the social media video clips you need to enable you to achieve that growth.
Why not contact us to start the conversation? You can reach us by filling in the form below or calling us on +973-33668811. We hope to hear from you soon.