We’re thrilled that one of our documentaries – “Thinking Pink: Resetting the NGO Model” has been officially selected by the Fusion Film Festivals, North European Independent Film Festival 2020 and has been nominated for “Best Educational & Scientific Documentary” and “Best Feature Documentary Director“.
Mahmood N. Al-Yousif, the documentary’s director, stated: “I am humbled to be selected from amongst an excellent group of creative directors from around the world and am keeping my fingers crossed, though of course, being nominated and my film officially selected are enough accolades!”
“More important, I hope the message the film portrays will inspire others to take up a cause and champion it for the better of humanity in general”, he continued.
Arabia Video takes this opportunity to thank everyone involved in this noble project, first and foremost of course are Think Pink Bahrain Breast Cancer Society, Ms Julie Sprakel and Ms Tahera Al-Alawi, the society’s founders, the many Think Pinkers who aided the society through its history and made a difference to women’s lives in Bahrain and beyond, the very brave ladies who shared their own personal breast cancer journey in this documentary, the gentlemen who contributed to the cause and appear in the film, particularly Mr Akram Miknas, and of course my team who have been an invaluable help in making this documentary, especially Frederick Retania who was the main cameraman and editor for this project.